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Space* » Planets* » Saturn*


Do the planets open up more energy from their poles?

That would explain the location of the rings that have been observed around the gasplanets. The material of the rings has found its way to a energyfurrow around the planet and pushes itself away from its expanding planet in that area. This happens also in Uranus case.

This information lets us understand that the gasplanets really do open up more energy from their poles.

At least the energy coming from the sun reflects partly out of the planets and because the planets are round, this energy does not go back towards the sun. Also in case of the Uranus this reflecting energy would form its own share of the energyfurrow, because it it really doesn´t reflect from Uranus towards its rings.

Approximately in 30 years distance there is a big strorm observed in Saturn. The maximum amount of sun points appear in 11 years distance. Saturn itself circulates around the sun once in 29,5 years.

I predict that energywaves come from the galaxy centre in approximately 11 years distance. These energywaves have the nature of the quarks. Because the regular storms of Saturn in 30 years distance last just for a little time, I claim that only one out of three strorms is observed from the globe.

These energywaves in the centre of the galaxy maintain also the red spot of the Jupiter and maybe also can explain the spots of Uranus and Jupiter.

The energybundles heading towards the sun burn out so deep inside the sun that the energywaves coming out of them appear in 11 years delay. When the outcoming energysreams are staunched there are only sunspots left.

Look also the item "The Sun Spots".