Biology * » Heart *
Heart *
According to this new idea, the heart expands rhythmically in beats, but it does not contract by itself. Instead, while the heart is not expanding, everything adjacent to the heart continues to expand at an evenly accelerating pace. The heart is thus affected by an external pressure which makes the still expanding blood inside the heart push its way out of the heart.
Blood flows in the veins due to pressure fluctuations. The blood flowing back to the heart does not have enough space to expand normally as it rubs against the valves. After this friction blood expands faster than usual, which results in a vortex closing the valve. And now the heart starts to expand again in a pulse.
Then how can it be explained that you can see it with your own eyes how a heart contracts during heart surgery?
This is in fact a three-dimensional illusion, which is based on the pulsating expansion of the heart and the evenly accelerating expansion of everything surrounding the heart.
Addition on April 10, 2007
The sinuatrial node emits an electric pulse, in other words, an energy wave whose separate energy bunches take with them energy waves released by the atomic nuclei in the heart (atoms included in the molecules that the cells consist of). Therefore, the energy waves cannot penetrate the surrounding atoms and get into their nuclei, and this is why the heart stops expanding for a while. Simultaneously, external pressure helps the heart to contract in relation to the other organs. After that, the heart expands in a pulse, as the energy waves make their way into the atomic nuclei in the adjacent cells, forcing the energy in them to be released in a pulsating manner.
Arrhythmia is caused when the energy pulse released from the sinuatrial node cannot make its way through a certain area, and so it cannot sweep the energy away from the space between cells, molecules and atomic nuclei in the walls.
When the organ is physically strained, for instance, the concerned area becomes positively charged, that is to say, there are denser energy waves moving between the nuclei of the atoms within that area. During exertion the sinuatrial node, too, pulsates denser energy waves containing a higher amount of energy, and so they are able to penetrate the area.
After the exertion the sinuatrial node settles faster, and the electric pulses released from the node cannot make their way through the charged area quickly enough.